Make a Statement with Epic, Unforgettable Grazing Table

Imagine a never ending work of art that is meant to be eaten! I will come to your home or event and create a beautiful custom resort-style spread that will WOW your guests!

Starting at $16 per person (minimum 20…for smaller parties, see our Charcuterie Board section).

Click on BOOK NOW to hold a date and fill out a brief form. I will call you to answer any of your questions and finalize your upcoming event that is sure to be memorable.

Book Now

What you can expect with a Grazing Table.

Grazing Tables Charcuterie Boards Phoenix Scottsdale
Grazing Tables Charcuterie Boards Phoenix Scottsdale
Charcuterie Grazing Table in Phoenix & Scottsdale
Grazing Tables Charcuterie Boards Phoenix Scottsdale